
Wishlist Wednesday: Jenna Lyons

Yesterday, I finally received this month's Domino in the mail.

I count how good an issue is by how many of those nifty flagging stickers are used, and this issue has 9 little tabs sticking out. (Most of which went towards Jenna Lyons' feature.) I even dreamed about her place last night, wishing and hoping and thinking that I could inhabit a home just like it.

*click to make larger

The weathered and warped wood flooring in the bathroom, the dark and romantic wall color, the spot-on, perfect pops of yellow.. *drool* It's uncluttered, beautiful, and still functional. Seems the perfect place to refresh yourself, and just be.

I also really adore the closet, (if you can call it that!)
It exemplifies what's so great about the entire home: the eye for balancing the neutral palette with the dark accessories and use of bright colors.

It comes across as so easy and natural. I AM IN LOVE.

(Compiled by K. Horton 2008)
(Images via Domino)

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